Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Share your knowledge: Publish online

Are you an aspiring writer who would like to publish online? There are many online sites looking for articles to publish on their site or to sell to their clients. Some are legit sites that treat their contributors with respect and compensate them as they should be compensated for their efforts while other will rip the unwary off. No writer will ever get rich writing for online sites but it's a way to get your name and your work out there which can bring better paying gigs and that makes writing for low paying online sites worth your time and effort.

If you are serious about getting started. If you want to share your knowledge with others. If you want to join a great online community that will appreciate your efforts and treat you with respect, here's my referral to one of the best sites on the web today http://factoidz.com/create-account.php?refer=8M1226.

Do you need to ask permission to photograph people and/or their property

First, I want to apologize to all my readers for not being around for a couple of days. Things were pretty hectic up here on Walch's Mountain. I had a rush order for 50 photos to illustrate a diy manual on electric motor repair and I've put in three 10 hour days getting those pictures shot, processed, and uploaded to the publisher. I just wanted to let everyone that I haven't forgotten about you :-).

One of the questions that I get asked over and over again by people just starting out in photography is, "Do I need to ask permission to photograph people and/or their property?" The short answer first. As a rule, if you are simply taking the photographs for your own pleasure and have no intentions of selling them or entering them in a contest you don't need to ask permission but it's the polite and right thing to do especially if you are traveling in a foreign country because you may be violating some custom or unwritten rule that you aren't aware of. I'm working on an article on this very subject that will be published on Factoidz.Com within a day or two. If you are photographing military or other government buildings, it's always a good idea to ask before clicking the shutter because they may have rules against it based on security concerns. On the other hand, if you are taking the photographs to be used for any commercial purpose you should always get a properly signed release form to photograph any person or any person's property with the exception being the exteriors of public buildings but the same warning applies here-it's a good idea to ask first because there may be security concerns involved in what you can and can't photograph. Carry an ample supply of photo release forms in your gadget bag, it's the safest thing to do.

I could spend several thousand words on the subject of model and property release forms but I really don't believe in re-inventing the wheel. The American Society of Media Photographers has already done an excellent job of explaining the various types of releases and the law behind them on their web site. Under their Business Resources section that explain this in great detail and even offer you release form for adult model releases, minor model releases, and property releases that you can download and printout for your own use. Here's the link http://www.asmp.org/tutorials/property-and-model-releases.html.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Invitation to follow my new stock photography series on Factoidz.com

Good morning everyone. Couldn't sleep. Been up and working since 3 am. Just a quick note for now. For all of you who are interested in a more in depth look at stock photography, I just published the first in a series of articles on stock photography on Factoidz.com. Check them out. You'll find everything you need to know to become involved in selling your photos to a stock photo agency.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The difference between an amateur and a professional photographer

Good morning . It's 5:30 a.m. up here on Walch's Mountain and All's well.

A few days ago my grand daughter asked me what the difference between an amateur and a professional photographer was. A very astute question for an eleven year old budding photographer. I asked that same question when I was only a few years older and was told by a very wise old professional photographer that, in most cases, the only difference between a good amateur photographer and a professional photographer is that the professional gets paid for doing what they love to do while the amateur doesn't get paid for doing what they love to do. That was a very astute observation but getting paid for doing what one loves to do isn't always easy, at least not at first. This is especially true when we are talking photography.

Selling stock photos through online stock photo agencies is one of the easiest ways to get paid for doing what you love to do. The great thing about doing stock photography is that you get to choose when you work, where you work, and what you photograph. There are stock agencies that specialize in people pictures, animal pictures, landscape pictures, architectural pictures, business pictures, etc, as well as general stock agencies that handle all types of stock pictures. You'll never get rich selling stock photography but it does pay you to do what you would have done anyway and it is a way to build up that all important portfolio that you will need to get high paying assignments. For a complete list of stock photo agencies with an online presence go to profoto.com.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Posting/Welcome to my Blog

Howdy folks. I've been a freelance writer for over 35 years and a photographer for over 50 years but this is my first attempt at blogging. Writing and photography has always been pretty much just an avocation for me but, over the past couple of years it has become my primary source of income. I've written everything from adult fiction to designing and preparing educational texts for vocational courses like auto mechanics and residential electrical. I'm a freelance writer for hire so feel free to contact me if you are in need of a technical writer. I also write for several online sites with my primary online site being Factoidz.com . You can check out my style there. Currently I have over 180 article live on that site covering everything from health to diy subjects.

So why am I starting this Blog? I hope to be able to use it to help those interested in becoming successful freelance writers and freelance photographers become successful.

God willing and the creek doesn't rise, I'll have something new to add to this Blog everyday, even if it's only to link back to something that I've published elsewhere that I feel would be of interest ans help to my Blog followers.